新興凱因斯主義經濟學派 (New Keynesian Economics) 要如何界定?

在這裡, 將引用

Snowdon B., Vane H. and Wynarczyk P. (1994),
A Modern Guide to Macroeconomics
- An Introduction to Competing Schools of Thought,
Edward Elgar Publishing Limited


In their brief survey of new Keynesian economics Mankiw and Romer (1991)
define new Kenesian economics with reference to the answer a particular theory
gives to the following pair of questions:

Question 1 Does the theory violate the classcial dichotomy?
That is, is money non-neutral?

Question 2 Does the theory assume that real market inperfections in the economy
are crucial for understanding economic fluctuations?

Of the mainstream schools only new Keynesians answer both questions in the affirmative.


現代宏觀經濟學指南 - 各思想流派比較研究引論
商務出版社, 北京

Mankiw 與 Romer (1991) 是從各個理論對下面兩個問題的回答來定義新興凱因斯主義經濟學的.

問題1: 該理論是否違反古典二分法? 即, 貨幣是否是非中性的?
問題2: 該理論是否認為經濟中的實質 (real) 市場不完全性對於理解經濟波動十分關鍵?

在現有的幾個主要學派中, 只有新興凱因斯主義對兩個問題都予以肯定的答覆.

Mankiw 與 Romer (1991) 的原始文獻是:

Mankiw N.G. and Romer D. (eds) (1991), New Keynesian Economics, MIT Press.

如果, 我用這兩個問題來界定我是否為新興凱因斯主義者, 我將會回答: 我是!

所以, 新興凱因斯學派並沒有贊同政府必須適當 (?) 介入......

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